Crane System Sensors & Components

A range of Systems Like Crane Displays & Crane Sensors are available, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Crane Slew Limit & Virtual Wall systems using proximity sensors with display of position functionality including cut-off options.
  • Crane Anemometer/Wind Speed sensors with wireless display and system cut-off options.
  • A range of Crane Anti Two Block systems include differing weight sizes and switch sizes depending on the rope diameter and load capacity with optional display.
  • Out of level Crane Sensors, including Cut-Off and Optional Display.
  • Crane Height Limit system with display.
  • Crane Winch Monitoring to include load and payout recording with a variety of display options.
  • Basic Rated Capacity Indicator for small cranes and retrofit options.

Alexia provides Crane System, Crane Sensors, and Crane Components for a variety of applications:

crane system, crane sensors, and crane components